In its online shop, TM has two gold purchasing
offers that feature high flexibility. With the CLASSIC or PREMIUM purchase contract, customers can buy gold.The customer transfers the money for special payments to TM. After receiving the payment, TM purchases the gold for the customer.
Due to the advantageous characteristics of the alloy and the relatively low melting point, gold was already a deemed an important precious metal as early as the early Copper Age, mainly used for ritual objects and jewellery. Most scientists are of the opinion that the origin of gold is in space and that it came to Earth due to a supernova.
The greater the purity of the gold, the higher it’s the value In 1874, the German engineer Wohlwill invented a method to refine gold with the highest purity level. The highest gold value is achieved if 999 of 1,000 proportions by weight are pure gold. This gold, also referred to as fine gold, has 24 carat and is purchased by DGM in bars exclusively.
For centuries, gold has been a stable material asset.
Then as now, gold was used as security. To the delight of gold owners, the value of gold is even increasing constantly. In the last decades, an annual increase in value of approx. 9 percent could be achieved in monthly gold purchases.
Then and now, gold is in demand as an inflation hedge!
When the purchase prices of consumer goods increase, many people invest in gold to protect their money from the increasing loss in value. As soon as money consistently loses its value, the price of gold increases simultaneously.
Source: MB-Research; Subject to reserve, the depreciation of the euro is based on an assumption of an average loss of purchasing power of 5.78 % per annum in the euro zone.Calculations reflect the general increase in prices of goods and services, the average inflation rate, and the difference between bank interest rates and the inflation rate. For Germany, historical data indicate a loss of purchasing power of 30.76 % between 2002 and 2022, according to the Federal Statistical Office. (Source: inflationsrechner.php). All data is provided without guarantee and does not constitute an advisory recommendation.
Valus Stability
The price of gold has risen by 537 % between 1979 and 2023, underlining its appeal as a long term store of value. This remarkable performance demonstrates gold‘s consistency and stability of value and its role as a proven hedge against eco[1]nomic uncertainty and inflation.
Gold mining is on the decrease due to depleting gold deposits.
For many years, the purchasing of gold has been faster than global gold mining. All of this affects the gold price significantly. As long as the supply continues to be limited while demand increases, the gold price will also continue to rise. Stopping an explosion of the gold price is no longer possible.
The demand for gold is higher than it’s supply.
In January 2018, the United States Geological Sur[1]vey (USGS) estimated the reserves that can be mi[1]ned to be at 54,000 tons worldwide. The static re[1]ach of the reserves is about 13 years in 2022. The way we see it, the price of an ounce of gold will be beyond anyone by then.
The most flexible gold purchase plan!
Any interested party may purchase fine gold with 999.9/1000 fineness grams in bar form as a co-ownership share in the overall stock by means of an online purchasing agreement with payment by instalments and/or one-time payments. Many satisfied customers from all over the world use the services of Today Markets.
3 Man Rule
It is considered a security issue if only one person has access to the gold stock of the customers. The 3-man rule of Today Markets requires that three people without commercial or familial connection to one another be present when the safe is opened.
When accessing Buyers’ gold stock, at least three persons not related to each other and not in a business relationship with each other must be present. They shall include, in all cases, the Managing Director of the Octalas Group t/a Today Markets or an authorised representative, an auditor, and an independent banker or solicitor.
Refineries and high-security warehouses in Germany.
According to the General Terms and Conditions of TM, the gold of the customers must be purchased through refineries in Germany and must be stored in high-security warehouses in Germany.
The gold of customers of TM is stored
in separate safes within the high-security
warehouse at one of the biggest refineries
in Germany. Unlike its storage in a private
household, the gold is insured for damage
and loss to its full extent.
Well thought-through organisation of the procedure.
TM ensures that all work procedures are carried out and implemented in an orderly manner. The customer’s wishes are considered in every respect. Even in the event of insolvency of DGM, the customer may demand the surrender of the gold from the liquidator according to section 47 InsO [German Insolvency Code]
Security can be tested.
A well-known audit firm domiciled in Germany will
prepare an annual audit report regarding completeness, purity level and amount of insurance coverage of the customer’s gold reserves. The customer may access the audit report and the record of delivery in the online portal.
Not bound by terms or instalments.
Customers may purchase gold starting at only
30 € a month or starting at 1,000 € for a one-time
purchase. At a agio of 3 % on the purchase price
and an administrative fee which is always linked to the actual gold value only, the incurred costs are way below the usual market level.
Fulfilling the customer’s requests.
In its online shop, TM has two gold purchasing
offers that feature high flexibility. With the CLASSIC or PREMIUM purchase contract, customers can buy gold.The customer transfers the money for special payments to TM. After receiving the payment, TM purchases the gold for the customer.