Eurozone Services PMI Lower Than Expected

08:15 AM GMT, Spain – PMI Data for February:
- HCOB Spain Services PMI: actual 56.2; forecast 55.4; previous 54.9;
08:45 AM GMT, Italy – PMI Data for February:
- HCOB Italy Services PMI: actual 53.0; forecast 50.9; previous 50.4;
- HCOB Italy Composite PMI: actual 51.9; previous 49.7;
08:50 AM GMT, France – PMI Data for February:
- HCOB France Services PMI: actual 45.3; forecast 44.5; previous 48.2;
- HCOB France Composite PMI: actual 45.1; forecast 44.5; previous 47.6;
08:55 AM GMT, Germany – PMI Data for February:
- HCOB Germany Services PMI: actual 51.1; forecast 52.2; previous 52.5;
- HCOB Germany Composite PMI: actual 50.4; forecast 51.0; previous 50.5;
09:00 AM GMT, Euro Zone – PMI Data for February:
- HCOB Eurozone Services PMI: actual 50.6; forecast 50.7; previous 51.3;
- HCOB Eurozone Composite PMI: actual 50.2; forecast 50.2; previous 50.2;
PMI data from the European services sector came relatively positive overall. The reading remains above the key 50-point barrier across the zone, and the reading itself is almost in line with the preliminary data. The reading in Germany itself is worse, but it is offset by good data from Italy and France. The euro resumes growth after the reading against the USD and breaks above 1.0700.

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