Economic Calendar: US Jobless Claims

- Stock index contracts on both sides of the Atlantic record limited declines that extend to Asian benchmarks; JP225 (Nikkei) loses 1.3%
- Preliminary data on November consumer sentiment in the eurozone, a series of speeches by ECB members
- CBRT decision; possible high volatility on Turkish lira pairs (USDTRY, EURTRY)
- US data in focus (claims, regional indices and home sales, and Fed speeches)
Today’s session is packed with mostly secondary readings from the economies of Europe and the United States. Investors will learn about regional indexes from Kanas and Philadelphia and more speeches by Fed members Goolsbee and Hammack, among others. There will also be speeches from ECB bankers including Pastalides, Cipollone, Escriva, Elderson, Lane, Holzmann and Vujcic, among others. The focus will be on unemployment claims (14:30) and consumer sentiment in Europe (16:00), released on par with US home sales data. The dollar is losing slightly today, but Eurodollar weakness continues. Gold extends upward momentum, and Bitcoin reaches new highs at $97.5k.
Economic calendar
11:00 AM GMT Turkey, CBRT decision, weekly repo rate: 50% forecast vs. 50% previously (unchanged)
11:00 AM GMT UK, CBI orders: -25 forecast vs -27 previously
1:30 PM GMT US, unemployment claims: 220k forecast vs 217k previous (continued 1.88 million vs 1.87 million previous)
1:30 PM GMT US, Philly Fed: 8 forecast vs 10.3 previously
1:30 PM Canada, PPI inflation: 0.85% forecast vs -0.6% previous (RMPI 2.5% vs -3.1% previous)
3:00 PM US, sales of existing homes: 3.95 million vs 3.84 million previous (2.86% vs -1% previous)
3:00 PM US, m/m leading indicators index: -0.3% vs -0.5% previously
3:30 PM US, EIA gas inventory change: 1 billion cubic feet (bcf) vs 42 bcf previously
3:30 US, Kansas City Fed: -5 forecast vs -4 previously
Central bankers’ speeches
- 9:00 AM – ECB Escriva
- 1:00 PM – ECB Pastalides
- 2:00 PM – BoE Mann
- 3:30 PM – ECB Elderson, Lane
- 4:00 PM – ECB Holzmann, Vujcic, Kazimir
- 5:25 PM – Fed Hammack
- 5:30 PM – Fed Goolsbee
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