Cotton Closed on a Weak Note on Monday

Cotton futures posted 12 to 39 point losses on the Monday session. The outside markets were supportive on the day. Crude oil futures were up another $0.30/barrel, with the US dollar index down $0.175 on the day.
Friday’ online auction from The Seam showed 2,123 bales sold at an average price of 64.18 cents/lb. The Cotlook A Index was back down 45 points on 3/14 at 78.40 cents/lb. ICE cotton stocks were steady again on March 14, with the current level of certified stocks at 14,488 bales. The USDA increased the weekly Adjusted World Price (AWP) by 188 points last Thursday afternoon to 53.76 cents/lb.
May 25 Cotton closed at 66.98, down 39 points,
Jul 25 Cotton closed at 68.24, down 36 points,
Dec 25 Cotton closed at 69.86, down 12 points