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Apple Launches 16e, Will it reignite IPhone Sales?

Apple (AAPL.US) has just unveiled the new iPhone 16e, which, after three years, replaces the iPhone SE in the company’s lineup. The new “budget” model aims to attract more price-sensitive users, thus supporting the weaker sales of the iPhone 16 series.

Although the previous model faced many criticisms, such as its outdated design (which debuted as the iPhone 7 in 2017), short battery life, and lack of an OLED screen, these issues did not damage its appeal due to its low price point, which allowed many new users to enter the Apple ecosystem. The new model essentially offers a “refreshed version” – its design is similar to the rest of the iPhone 16 lineup (the main difference being a single camera) and also provides access to the company’s evolving AI functionality, Apple Intelligence.

However, the 16e bends the definition of a “cheap iPhone” – the model is priced at $599, about a 16% price increase compared to the SE. Apple believes that, despite the higher price, interest will not decrease, and it will even help increase revenue and margins, especially in China, where the new model has a better chance of competing with local giants like Huawei.

Apple’s stock is flat during today’s session, unaffected by the presentation of the new device. There are also no significant changes on a weekly basis, with the stock holding at the lower boundary of the upward channel. Source: xStation5

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